An overdue post with some news!
First, some bad news – the Bamfield edition of Cedar, Salmon and Weed is now SOLD OUT.
But, fear not – there is good news! There is plenty of copies of a lovely new printing, complete with French flaps (great for book-marking!). Check them out in the pic.
And more good news! We are working on an updated website that will automatically calculate shipping cost by Canada Post so that we can send copies of the book ANYWHERE in the world!
Unfortunately, potential bad news – if Canada Post and its union cannot come to an agreement, postal service may be disrupted as soon as two days from now. We’ll let you know if that happens. Do NOT let that stop you from ordering your copy of CSW – we promise any orders will get shipped as soon as Canada Post service is back to normal.
We will even post excerpts to keep you going while you wait for your copy!
Okay, back to getting the new website in top working order. See you soon!